NUFORC UFO Sighting 157151
Occurred: 2020-06-26 03:30 LocalReported: 2020-06-26 01:21 Pacific
Duration: 5 minutes or less
Location: braintree, MA, USA
Shape: Light
Characteristics: Lights on object, Emitted beams, Possible abduction, Missing Time
warning of a pending invasion on a globe scale a war to end all life
in 2012 i reported to this site what i saw and what they showed me today they came back again to give me one last warning the machines in dark space are coming. they also showed me that they were watching us for awhile in a 18 mile wide mothership as we called it they said which our government knows about we been doing nothing to defend ourselves they said we fight against one another maybe the secrets that lay under sand can tell you the truth which i didnt understand that part. these creatures, machines they said dont rest they never sleep they prey on living things they use our energy as a source of life for them our pain is their strength they will come and burn all they see they also said they feel hope in me and understanding of others feeling which they dont quite understand and when they come they said it will be nothing like we ever seen before they showed me what the machines look like from someone else eyes like they had a memory of a past war also light is the key before the ball of light left my chest im scared
Posted 2020-07-03
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