NUFORC UFO Sighting 15670
Occurred: 2000-12-23 06:50 LocalReported: 2000-12-24 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 5 sec
No of observers: 2
Location: Three Rivers (Canada), QC, Canada
Shape: Egg
Characteristics: Left a trail, Changed Colo
Red object with trailing red tail travelling at extreme velocity slows and changes color
While travelling west on the main highway (40) between Three Rivers and Montreal I observed a bright red egg shaped object with an extremely bright red tail travelling from South to North at extreme velocity. It suddenly slowed noticeably and changed color from red to orange and continuing to slow down it changed to yellow then it just disappeared. I don't believe that it was a meteorite as not only was it low in the atmosphere and travelling on a level trajectory, but it slowed down very suddenly.
Posted 2001-01-03
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