NUFORC UFO Sighting 155578
Occurred: 2020-04-13 00:00 LocalReported: 2020-04-21 13:58 Pacific
Duration: unknown
Location: In Space (from the ISS), , In Orbit
Shape: Cigar
Pill like object seen from the ISS picture
This article was posted on the site for April 19th stating: STARLINK SATELLITES PHOTOGRAPHED FROM THE ISS: Astronauts onboard the International Space Station have gotten a first good look at the controversial Starlink satellites. On April 13th, they photographed a train of 16 Starlinks cutting through Southern Lights over the Antarctic.
Part of that article was a link to take you to the picture and when you clicked on the link you can see the photo showing the Starlinks. However I also noticed that when you zoomed in on the photo, there is a large pill like object on the top left of the photo which seem rather odd.
Here is the link for the photo. What the heck is that object?
Posted 2020-05-01
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