NUFORC UFO Sighting 154924

Occurred: 2020-04-09 21:00 Local
Reported: 2020-04-09 21:12 Pacific
Duration: 2 / 3 minutes
No of observers: 2

Location: Buenos Aires (Argentina), , Argentina

Shape: Cross

winged cylinder-shaped like a cross in the dark night. no lights.

I was looking at the stars, when suddenly I noticed something moving. Initially, it was difficult to identify it because it did not emit lights and camouflage itself with the color of the sky.

When I could see it well it was winged cylinder-shaped like a cross and moved at a constant speed. Its color was like metallic dark. I followed it with my eyes for approximately 2 or 3 minutes until he disappeared on the horizon. Its size was quite large, it was very clear once you identified it. We were two people who witnessed the event.

As I said, it didn't have any kind of light. Total darkness. And it was clearly seen. I was on the terrace of my building, with my sister, during the quarantine at 9 pm.

Posted 2020-05-07

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