NUFORC UFO Sighting 154888
Occurred: 1973-11-03 15:00 LocalReported: 2020-04-08 18:37 Pacific
Duration: 10 seconds
No of observers: 2
Location: Encinitas, AZ, USA
Shape: Disk
Characteristics: Changed Colo
When we were about 17-18, a friend and I had just got out of my truck and walked to the edge of the Cardiff cliffs when all of the sudden, right in front of us was a flying saucer (about the size of 2 semi trucks) just hovering (seemed to be rotating) there, in place, above the water. Before we could say anything, it took to flight as fast as anything I ever saw move, heading South kinda zigzag motion, up into the horizon until it got so small, it disappeared. We looked around to see if there were others on the beach or anywhere to ask if they saw what we saw, but there was nobody else in sight, which was weird. We were flabbergasted and went and told all our friends...
Posted 2020-04-09
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