NUFORC UFO Sighting 15404

Occurred: 2000-12-05 19:40 Local
Reported: 2000-12-05 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 1 minute
No of observers: 2

Location: Brooklyn Park, MN, USA

Shape: Triangle

2 people witnessed a large, low flying, triangular object with 3 dim, non-blinking lights moving to the North East.

Time: 7:40pm(19:40)Central I, the driver, noticed a reflection on the windshield and my eyeglasses, at the same time my daughter excitedly stated "what is that in the sky?" As I looked up through the windshield the lights had moved to my left hand (drivers side window-top). I quickly decided that this was an unusual observation and continued to watch the three lighted object as I pulled the vehicle to side of the road bouncing up on the curb. Time: 7:40pm Central Standard Time


Anonymous report. PD

Posted 2000-12-09

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