NUFORC UFO Sighting 15388
Occurred: 2000-11-11 14:00 LocalReported: 2000-12-04 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 2-3 min
No of observers: 6
Location: Tulsa/Oklahoma City (midway between), OK, USA
Shape: Circle
Characteristics: Lights on object
Six witnesses saw several round objects flashing and flying in alternate flight patterns over Oklahoma interstate on November 11th.
Driving east between Oklahoma City and Tulsa some time during the early afternoon on November 11, 2000. The weather was sort of strange that day with lots of thick, low-lying clouds and light rain contrasted against an occasional burst of very bright afternoon sun making it through the clouds. I saw a perfect rainbow in the sky and was so impressed with its clarity (a perfect arc with all colors visible from end to end) that I decided to pull over at the next rest stop and take a few pictures. Stopped at a picnic area and waved hello to a hispanic family sitting at a picnic table before snapping a few shots. Had just turned my camera from auto to off when i noticed a line of what i thought had to have been geese or a larger sort of bird because they were flying in a v-formation and alternating black and white, which i thought meant that their wings were black on one side and white on the other. the longer i looked i realized that they were flying too high to be geese and too low to be an airplane. As they got closer I began to notice that they were breaking off in to separate groups and then coming back together in a perfect line or v-shape, then they would do it again. By the time they were directly overhead I was so overwhelmed that i didn't notice that my camera was turned off and wasn't clicking. the hispanic family and i were all shouting back and forth and pointing up at the sky but we couldn't understand each other because of the language barrier. By this time it was unquestionable that what was passing over us was a group of between 7 and 9 objects that were moving silently and independently as they flashed brightly in a pulsating way, chaning from black to bright white. i finally figured out that my camera was turnede off and got a shot of them as they moved off towards the southwest. the photo that i got back shows these lights grouped together in a weird pattern but it's really small. As far as my background, I'm in horticultural sales and my company ships plants to many of the major chain-stores.
Witness indicates two dates. We believe he means 11NO00; we have altered the date in the report. PD
Posted 2000-12-09
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