NUFORC UFO Sighting 153652
Occurred: 2020-02-27 05:25 LocalReported: 2020-02-27 12:53 Pacific
Duration: 15 minutes
No of observers: 3
Location: Midland, NC, USA
Shape: Light
over 35 "normal" satellite like lights traveling from N to SE, were in a perfect straight line, evenly spaced
These looked like a "normal satellite" light (no blinking) traveling from N to SE. They were in a perfect straight line, evenly spaced and kept moving once they appeared in northern sky and moving until out of sight in southeast sky. It was perfectly clear (no clouds) and still night sky at 5:25am on February 27, 2020. I counted up to 35 and they kept appearing as I talked (and lost count) with my daughter.
I called my wife out to witness it and also call my daughter living about 3 hours away of which she was able to go outside and witness the same as we talked on the phone.
Posted 2020-04-09
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