NUFORC UFO Sighting 153360

Occurred: 2020-02-17 21:17 Local
Reported: 2020-02-17 19:07 Pacific
Duration: 30 minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: NORTON, MA, USA

Shape: Disk
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aircraft nearby

Two clusters of white lights, with red lights very nearby

I saw two clusters of white lights low in the sky, seemingly to be approximately 42°02'18.5"N 71°07'45.8"W. They looked like “peony” fireworks, but they were static, not expanding and dissipating. I was watching from the shore of Lake Winnecunnet and these were due north of me.

About 21:17, both clusters disappeared while I was going to get my binoculars. Within a few minutes, a single cluster reappeared, not as large as the previous pair of clusters. It seemed to have one bright light in the lower center and a few red lights were also visible. As I watched, it seemed to swing around so it looked like a satellite dish covered in lights, then swing back to look like a circle of lights. When it swung to the side, I could see several red lights that could have been behind the “satellite dish” structure.

It turned so the dish faced west and it traveled west, then turned the dish down and hovered there. Then the dish seemed to be outlined in red lights, not white. It became smaller and/or dropped behind the trees.

Another bright light, not a cluster of lights, appeared in the original spot. It stayed in that spot for a minute or so, then began to travel west. It could have been a small cluster of lights or possibly a single light; I was having trouble focusing the binoculars with one hand. It dropped low and then was hidden behind the trees.

While this was happening, the regular west-to-east air traffic was visible.

Posted 2020-02-25

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