NUFORC UFO Sighting 153304
Occurred: 2020-02-14 17:55 LocalReported: 2020-02-15 21:20 Pacific
Duration: ~5 minute
No of observers: 1
Location: Seattle, WA, USA
Shape: Oval
Characteristics: Lights on object, Changed Colo
Glowing ovals seen in South Seattle possibly over Bremerton
I was looking out my living room window and noticed two lights I thought may have been aircraft. After a couple of minutes I felt somewhat confident that these were not regular aircraft. It was dark and relatively clear out. I noticed t them at first because of where their location and secondly because of their bright greenish glow without typical blinking running lights. My view is looking west over the south of downtown Seattle area toward west Seattle. There are many aircraft in the area because of Sea-Tac, Boeing field, King County airport, and the medical emergency helicopters. The two UFOs caught my attention because they were flying over what I estimate possibly the Bremerton area which is not really part of the local flight path and for their flight pattern. I believe they were meandering in what looked like more northern direction when I first noticed them. Then one or both seemed to change direction and eventually cross paths one above the other as! shown in the video, which is also unusual. I got my camera as soon as determined them to be unusual. I had a trouble getting them in focus. The entire time they flew slowly and they didn’t seem to be on a linear path. They simply disappeared. They looked rather large but it’s difficult to determine their size and their location. Their altitude looked to be at or around the altitude of a helicopter or other low flying aircraft. The closer hill in the video is west Seattle, using that as a reference I would estimate them somewhere in the Bremerton area or possible further west, and their size to be at least the size of a helicopter if not lager. Obviously at this distance and being in a major metro area there were no other qualities to the sighing such as sound, smell, heat, etc. No exhaust was noticeable. The light they emitted did have a very interesting glow without glare. The color was at first a pleasant bright off-white and seemed to take on a more green hue. The red! lights seen on the video were too small to see with the naked! eye. I am not certain these are UFOs but if they seemed to be unconventional aircraft.
Links to the video and picture Please keep my personal info confidential.
Thank you
Posted 2020-02-25
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