NUFORC UFO Sighting 153282
Occurred: 2020-02-14 20:50 LocalReported: 2020-02-14 22:57 Pacific
Duration: ~1 hour
No of observers: 2
Location: Sheridan, IN, USA
Shape: Changing
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object
Bright, unmoving light in night sky.
My husband and I were driving West on State Road 38. Just before 6 Points Road, I noticed a very bright light in the sky to the Southwest. It wasn’t moving or flashing and was entirely too bright to be a star. We turned onto 47 from 38, still heading West and it was directly in front of us. We stopped at Rickers gas station. I called my mom to tell her to look outside and I got out of our vehicle to watch it. My mom told my dad and he got his binoculars out. He said it looked like a strand of lights just hovering. My husband and I decided to get closer to it. So we headed West again on 47. We drove all the way to highway 421 and parked in the church parking lot on the left hand side of the road to view it and take some pictures. We parked where we could see it perfectly. We took a couple pictures and videos then decided we were done. Just as we were about to leave I looked up at it and realized it had moved. Not a lot. Just slightly because it was now parti! ally hidden by trees. It was moving very slow. I took a small video of it moving and then we decided it was time to go home. Once we were home we looked at our pictures and videos. The videos show the object glowing bright then getting lighter. In my pictures the first couple are just a bright spot. The last 3 are weird. Number 1 looks like a crescent moon. Number 2 looks like a line but curved slightly. Number 3 is a straight across line.
About 30 minutes later I was contacted by my aunt who lives about 10 minutes North of me. She said her boyfriend was driving home on US 31 Headed South just at Hamilton/Tipton County line and saw one! He said it came down from the sky and he thought it was going to crash into him! When he got home he told her and they both went outside and saw not only one but two different lights in the sky! They were there for about 20-30 minutes and dissapeared!
Posted 2020-02-25
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