NUFORC UFO Sighting 153262

Occurred: 2020-02-13 21:30 Local
Reported: 2020-02-14 08:35 Pacific
Duration: 30 seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: Winston-Salem, NC, USA

Shape: Sphere

I saw a very bright orange/red/pinkish sphere to the northeast of my house. At first, I thought it was a planet until I realized it was way outside the ecliptic, and then I thought I needed to check what star could possible be that bright. I looked away for a moment to check on my dog and when I looked back, I thought it was gone until it reappeared and then seemed to flicker/spark and was gone. It was not moving so it was definitely not a meteor; however, the flickering out was very similar to the way a meteor breaks apart, but in this case, in a stationary position. As an object in the atmosphere it would have been low enough that it was some distance away. It never changed position. My wife an I saw three of these several years ago and they had the same color which I can never quite decide if its reddish, orangish or pinkish.

Posted 2020-02-25

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