NUFORC UFO Sighting 152023

Occurred: 2019-10-05 23:45 Local
Reported: 2019-12-25 22:12 Pacific
Duration: 5 minutes
No of observers: 3

Location: Lake of the Woods, MN, USA

Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object, Missing Time

I have been going back and forth on if I should do this. I want to say I have always tried to discredit the experiences I have had because I'm a logical person who does NOT believe in any life beyond the earth. However, I have had too many experiences and finally I broke and had to say something. I needed to talk someone.

I know you just want to have my recent "sighting" but I have to first get a few things off my chest so I no longer have to be the only one who knows what I think I have experienced. When I was a child between the age of 8 and 12 I had numerous odd experiences. I would on a regular basis have very vivid and frightening dreams of aliens. I had a very basic and happy childhood and was not allowed to watch anything that would have remotely inspired nightmares but I constantly had dreams of aliens. So much in fact I would fear the impending time each night that my parents would issue the bedtime order, knowing I had a very good chance of a dream.

One dream I had in particular over and over again was me walking in my back yard until I realized I was walking on the body of a red alien type creature. I could always see the heart beating beneath me. When I would wake I found myself feeling as if there was a figure in my room. Out of pure terror I could not move, I could not scream. I honestly believed there was always someone there with me. I specifically remember always then feeling as if the presence left my room and I always was convinced I could see a light outside my window that was alot brighter than anything I would have expected in a tiny town in the middle of northern Minnesota. Anyways, I just needed to share that portion of what I used to experience but now I will bore you no longer and get to the sighting recently.

I was up in the lake of the woods, minnesota side camping with my 3 friends and our girlfriends. All was as expected until the second night. My friends and I decided to take a hike around 10:30 after all our girlfriends went to bed. It was dark of course but that was part of the fun. We walked for a good hour until we all at once took notice of some bright lights. At first we thought it was some one else camping even though we hadn't seen anyone or maybe a patrol but again there wasn't much to patrol in the area we where in. So, I'm sharing this here because my friends refuse to talk about this and I have to share it with someone. They claim we must have been drunk, there is no way we saw what we saw.... but the fact is we all saw it and all talked about it immediately after. There was a bright flashing light and then all of a sudden a more subtle yet distinct set of lights moving in some type of organization. Did not seem random but rather planned. The lights moved very qui! ckly and then would stop and rest in some odd patterns. Then they would move again just the same. This all lasted several minutes and was incredible and terrifying just the same. Terrifying because we could not explain it.

I took out my phone and got a 20 second video of the lights when they moved and stopped in that odd pattern. I dont know what happened, I cant explain it but it has been weighing on me for the past two months and I have done a ton of research for an explanation to the point of obsession.

The worst part about this whole thing was my video is time stamped 11:48 p.m. Our experience ended shortly after. We freaked out for a minute and then walked back to camp. Maybe, it could have taken us 40 minutes to get back because we where koving quickly but when we got back all our girlfriends where up worried about usn they began to yell at us because we dissapeared for so long. We said it wasn't that big of a deal its only got to be 12:30 or so. My buddies girlfriend said it is actually after 3 a.m. .

I do not understand that. How where we gone that long? Thank you for your time. I just needed to share this with someone and it feels better already, other than the dreams I used to have happening again. I'm sure that is just me thinking about the past though.

Posted 2020-02-07

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