NUFORC UFO Sighting 152020

Occurred: 2019-12-25 03:15 Local
Reported: 2019-12-26 01:08 Pacific
Duration: 10+ minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Manassas, VA, USA

Shape: Light
Characteristics: Lights on object

3:15 A.M. Bright Sphere in NW sky between Elnath (Taurus) & Capella zipping around in erratic pattern. High altitude.

I took my dog outside at 3 am so she could do her business. It was a clear crisp night, with little cloud cover, so I was admiring the beautiful stars in the night sky. No moon was visible at the time.

I looked to the NW at Capella which was very clear & bright. Then I looked towards Elnath in the Taurus constellation, which was also clearly visible with the naked eye. Between these two stars were a few fainter stars,Kabdalinan & Mahasim, and then I saw movement.

In between Elnath & Capella where no visible stars were, an object was zipping around in an erratic manner. Sharp 90 degree turns right, left, up, down & then diagonally. No dissernable path or logic was evident in it's flight pattern & no great distance was covered. It would move a couple of inches left then up a couple then back. It was extremely high up, but was not moving between the stars, more like it was searching the area for something. I heard no sound, & there were no airplanes or helicopters in the sky at that time of the morning. Stars don't move in different directions & back & forth.

I got my binoculars out to make sure I was seeing this thing move & sure enough it was still zipping in every direction. I watched it for a good 10 - 15 min. totally amazed at the manuverability of this object I've lived near numerous airports & military bases & have never seen any air craft with this capability.

I ended up leaving the binoculars out, so that I would remember this event in the morning. Even as I was doing so, I was trying to convince myself it was a dream. But I figured if they were left out & not put away then they would remind me of the encounter in the morning. No binoculars - it was a dream. Binoculars left out... It really happened. Low & behold they were there in the morning. I shared my experience with my pilot husband & daughter, & we joked it was Santa delivering toys, but if it was he has whiplash because those stop on a dime & change direction moves couldn't be ensured by humans.

I just went out at 3:30 this morning 12/26/2019 to check the same spot. Same clear crisp weather, no star or object is visible in that part of the sky.

Posted 2020-02-07

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