NUFORC UFO Sighting 151971

Occurred: 2019-12-25 17:40 Local
Reported: 2019-12-27 15:12 Pacific
Duration: 2 minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Madison, AL, USA

Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object

Quiet Triangular overall shape with 4 dark amber lights (possible windows)

On the eveing of 12/25/2019 while at work (nurse) in Madison Alabama, I stepped outside the facility to call my wife at approx 7:40 pm, and noticed when I stepped outside, what at appeared to be a large aircraft (ascending up) from approx 500+ feet over tree tops and Hwy 72, to the side of the facility where I was located.. Initially there were 2 large amber lights (possibly windows), these 2 points of light were approx 500+ feet apart, followed by a second amber light(again possible window) following at approx 750+ feet, then followed by another (4th amber light, trailing at another 800 to 1000 feet. When I first seen it, I told my wife on the phone immediately, "let me call you back"! I began trying to flip on the camera on the cell phone and it unfortunately was showing me on the camera, instead of the outward photo image, I finally got the phone camera to work, so that I could video the image before me… This object was massively large, moved effortlessl! y and slowly, was dead quiet, made 0 sounds, again had ONLY of 4(overall) dark amber lights (window appearance). The object was traveling in a North heading, then turned to it's left, heading then NW, towards the city of Athens, which at this time, is my beginning video of the 2 lights moving away from the camera. As the camera pans down, you'll see a single amber light moving from left to right slowly...This is the fourth amber light mentioned initially and trails off, continuing in a northern direction projectory. As I am quite familiar with the "Phoenix Lights Incident" of 1997, and it's details, I truly believe my sighting was a Triangle, with very much the same details, much like that one and knew IT, when I SAW it, and I know my mouth fell open.... This was a humbling experience and an amazing craft! Folks, hate to tell you this...WE"RE NOT ALONE!

Posted 2020-02-07

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