NUFORC UFO Sighting 151968

Occurred: 2019-12-26 20:00 Local
Reported: 2019-12-27 16:44 Pacific
Duration: 2 minutes

Location: Jersey City, NJ, USA

Shape: Rectangle

Purplish, orange sunrise, metallic taste in mouth , travel timing. & the grayish ufo that’ll be imprinted in my mind forever!

Want to report this sighting that occurred last night in December the 26th, 2019. We (me and my 11 year old son) was walking to the Walgreens nearest to our home when suddenly out of nowhere I felt that of a strange headache along with a metallic state to my mouth. It struck me extremely odd when my son said to me suddenly, moments after I began feeling the symptoms, that his mouth tasted as if he had a penny in his mouth! As my son said this he placed both his hands over his head, clearly a sign that he, as well, was feeling that of the same symptoms as me! This was at night however , for that of a split second the lighting of the sky appeared that of an orange/purplish light color ... resembling that of a sunrise! We both exchanged a nonverbal look, a look that gave me a chill up my spine, as it had confirmed to me that indeed, my son as well had seen the same strange phenomenon. It is then that my son looked up & his eyes widened so large it frightened me! My son pulled, rather tugged me inside the Walgreens and had stated to me that he had seen that of a wide large light greyish object that was not to far above from us... only a few feet up above the Walgreens. At this point in time I did not see what he had just described, just te sky within a split of a second turning into that of a sunrise color. I calmed him down while we was in the Walgreens photo section and reassured him that due to the sky turning a different color, perhaps as it subsided he thought he had seen what he just described. When we got home, I went to the back last room of our house, which is one of my eldest son’s room. To my utter shock and disbelief, the metallic taste in my mouth along with the headache, which I had experienced along with my son and had left once we saw that ‘strange sunrise’ just a mere 20 to 30 minutes earlier by the Walgreens. I was in quite a stage of shock! Due to the notion that my son has 3 windows parallel to one another, I quickly gave a fast glimpse, expecting to see that ‘strange sunrise’ , if you will... except, this time, i had witnessed was definitely out of this world! A long, grey rectangle.. or should I say ship looking object slowly past the 2 front windows first ... in that of a slow motion, making a left to the 3rd window! I quickly looked at my son’s closet mirror, which allows me to see 2 of the windows of his room to see if what i had just seen was there or what in the world was going on?! Next thing I know I was awakened by my son asking me if my migraine (I am a chronic migraine sufferer) has subsided .... I quickly jumped up from the bed and just couldn’t believe what was happening! It was as if one minute I was staring into the mirror and the next being awakened, mind you, tucked in, in my son’s bed!

Posted 2020-02-07

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