NUFORC UFO Sighting 151938
Occurred: 2019-12-28 19:30 LocalReported: 2019-12-28 19:03 Pacific
Duration: 15 minutes
No of observers: 3
Location: Saskatoon (Canada), SK, Canada
Shape: Unknown
Characteristics: Lights on object
I went outside at 7:30 pm to have a cigarette. As usual I look up at the stars while I'm outside. At first everything seemed normal and a few minutes later I spotted what I thought was a satellite approaching from the western sky. I soon realized it was not a satellite as approximately 50 to 60 of the same size objects appeared right behind the first one. All at the same speed and all approx. the same distance apart. I called my wife and a neighbour to witness the activity. I'm not quite sure why but I feel completely panicked and want to tell everyone I know. I watch a lot of ufo shows on tv but have never heard a report of this many ufo's at one time. S ounds crazy, I would have thought so myself if i had not witnessed it myself. Governments have been lying to us all along. SHIT.
Posted 2020-02-07
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