NUFORC UFO Sighting 151747

Occurred: 2019-12-20 06:45 Local
Reported: 2019-12-20 12:07 Pacific
Duration: 3mins

Location: Greensboro, NC, USA

Shape: Oval
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object, Left a trail

Oval shaped glowing white object leaves a trail of 'smoke' in the sky then vanishes .

I observed one oval shaped craft heading easterly in the sky. At first it appeared to be a jet of some sort but it was moving sporadically in the sky in a continued forward motion (up and down). It let behind a trail of ‘smoke’. At this point I was thinking it was some sort of meteorite or maybe a fireball. The color was white. As soon as I came to this conclusion is when the object stopped in the sky and it appeared to have some sort of white haze, almost like a fog develop around it. As soon as this happened the trail of ‘smoke’ ceased to be produced. The object grew brighter and moved ahead then absolutely just vanished. I was able to record about 2 ½ minutes from my cell phone.

The initial event that caught my attention was not recorded because I was really dumbfounded by what I was looking at in the sky. As soon as the object started to disappear is when I started recording so the video only shows the faint object and the trail of ‘smoke’ which shows the trajectory of the objects movement.

I took one still shot when I arrived to work that only showed what was left over from the ‘smoke’ the object produced.

It was oval in shape and had a bright white glow. I could see no details other than the shape and the glow. Its shape was very distinct and it did not have wings from what I could tell. No blinking lights or anything of the sort that would make it identifiable as a jet or a helicopter. The sky was clear and it was in fact dark just before sunrise.

I will email the photo and video evidence.

Posted 2019-12-22

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