NUFORC UFO Sighting 15018
Occurred: 1970-01-01 00:00 Local - ApproximateReported: 2000-11-23 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 2 -3 min
No of observers: 1
Location: Center Barnstead, NH, USA
Shape: Other
Characteristics: Lights on object
hugh wing shaped object
It was shaped like a flying wing. The windows of the fuslage emitted white light. Half way down the wings there were twomore white lights as well as white lights at the end of the wing tips. The object made a weird oscilating sound and moved very slow. This is what drew our attention to it. I estamate it was between 4 to 500 feet above the ground. Looking straight up and out the upstairs window We could just see the end of the wing tip. The fuslage was about 500 ft. or more from that wing tip, and out over the tops of the trees in the back field. The trees are about 300 ft. from the back of the house. The other end or wing tip was almost out of sight. It had to be 1000 to 1200 ft. in length from wing tip to wing tip. It moved extremily slow and went in a striaght line. It finally dissappeared from sight behind the tree line at the far end of the upper part of the field. The sound was still audible for awhile until it faded.
We have requested further information from the witness regarding a more accurate date of the incident. PD
Posted 2000-12-02
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