NUFORC UFO Sighting 149587
Occurred: 2018-02-13 20:05 LocalReported: 2019-10-06 12:30 Pacific
Duration: <1 minute
No of observers: 2
Location: Colorado Springs, CO, USA
Shape: Flash
Characteristics: Lights on object
Date of Incident: 02/13/2018 Summary of Incident: At approximately 20:05 hours, as I was entering the parking lot to the rear of my place of employment located in the Interquest Parkway and I25 area in Northern Colorado Springs, I was performing my normal visual security sweep to ensure it was safe to approach my parked vehicle. This is a normal procedure I find myself doing on my late shift nights, especially when it is dark.
Having used my small flashlight and having identified no immediate danger I cautiously started walking towards my car when, out the corner of my eye and to the right, I picked up something that looked like bright lights or a fire towards the southwest area of town near Fort Carson and/or Cheyenne Mountain AFB. Turning my head to get a better look I saw what appeared to be a bright string of amber colored flare like lights that at times appeared connected and at times with gaps between them. At first I thought they may have been aerial flares or illumination rounds fired from the artillery ranges at Fort Carson. However, I quickly determined that they were not acting like flares and too high to be ‘Illum’ rounds. In fact, they appeared to flicker in and out by disappearing and reappearing for lack of a better explanation.
As I looked harder, it appeared that these lights were above the flashing antenna lights on the very top of Cheyenne Mountain. I could not quite put together in my head what I was actually seeing and could not fully determine if the object was actually one or many items and if it was moving or spinning (from possibly right to left) or if there was an illusion of movement due to its flickering nature.
Suddenly after about a minute or less of this, the object or objects suddenly disappeared and did not come back. I saw one of my coworkers getting into her car nearby and I yelled out if she just saw that to which she replied she did and made some half joking comment about a flying saucer. My whole drive home, which was 12 miles in a southerly direction down Powers Blvd, I made sure to keepe an eye out on the sky, however, I never saw them again.
At around 20:55 hours, from home, I called a local new station’s news desk, KKTV I believe, and spoke with someone named Tony and asked him if anyone had called in reporting a string of amber colored lights in the sky. He immediately became excited at stated I was the first report from Colorado Springs and that he has been getting reports of such a thing for the past hour from Pueblo which is just south of Colorado Springs. He even volunteered that he was going to call NORAD and ask them if anything was going on and that someone had even sent video which he intended to put on the station’s Facebook page.
As of the following morning, there were no news reports or video. I talked to my coworker and she stated that she saw the same thing I did and added that the incident seemed to cause the antenna lights on top of Cheyenne Mountain to flicker on and off, something I did not, myself, seem to pick up on.
I am a veteran of the US Army and former law enforcement. I have seen numerous aircraft and aerial flares over the years and can positively state I have never seen anything quite like this. However, I am open to the possibility that this sighting could be due to military aircraft and/or flares.
The lights were bright and amber colored, much larger than stars but smaller, although brighter, than the moon. There was a slight wind where I was at but I do not know what the weather was like in the area where the lights were.
Postscript: I have waited over a year to post this and was on the fence, so to speak, about doing it at all for reasons personal to me. However, 3 recent Joe Rogan podcasts have changed my mind.
Posted 2019-12-01
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