NUFORC UFO Sighting 149571
Occurred: 2011-06-01 20:00 LocalReported: 2019-10-06 22:28 Pacific
Duration: ~4 seconds
No of observers: 3
Location: Two Strike, SD, USA
Shape: Disk
White disk with a smaller ring in the center. Was able to turn invisible
Sometime during the summer of 2011. I was coming back from hiking in the hills with my uncle and cousin. The sky was a dark blue. We were resting at the last hill due north of our village, when my cousin told us to look up. When we did, I saw a pure white disk in the sky (with a smaller circle in the center, sort of like a ring). It seemed to be made of a white metal, it was not reflective. It was about the size of a quarter if you hold it up to the sky. Not sure how high it was, but it was high. It did this sort of twirl or something, like it stayed in one place but moved someway. After that it just instantly vanished. Disappeared. We couldn’t believe our eyes and ran home to tell our families. Event lasted about 4 seconds.
This is the crazy part. In the summer of 2013, I saw the same exact craft in approximately the same area. I was in a field when I saw it moving towards the sun to the west. There were large golden clouds guarding the sun, and the craft bobbed towards them. After about 40 seconds, it disappeared in the clouds. The craft was pretty much the same color as the clouds, and I therefore lost it in them. Time was about 7pm, the sun was low, but not setting. I know for a fact it was the same craft. Same size, shape and color. Again it had the same small ring in the middle. This means that same craft stayed there for two years. After it moved to the west I haven’t seen it since. The ring in the center was the same color of the craft, but it was more defined somehow. Hard to describe, basically you could just see it there.
Posted 2019-12-01
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