NUFORC UFO Sighting 149551

Occurred: 2009-08-08 23:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2019-10-05 16:24 Pacific
Duration: 20 minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Cocoa, FL, USA

Shape: Other
Characteristics: Lights on object, Changed Colo

Large object over lake

It was approximately 200 feet tall with a width of about 100 feet. It was semi oval shaped with a flat bottom. It had what looked like swirling fire in tight circles all over it entirely. It was floating over a lake that is about 3 miles wide, on the opposite side of the lake from my position. It floated up and down about one hundred feet high, down to water level, many times. I watched it for twenty minutes, and decided I should leave because it was coming closer. This area is next door to the Kennedy Space Center, and Patrick Air Force Base.

Posted 2019-12-01

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