NUFORC UFO Sighting 149502

Occurred: 2019-10-04 19:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2019-10-05 08:57 Pacific
Duration: 30 minutes
No of observers: 20

Location: Maineville, OH, USA

Shape: Disk
Characteristics: Lights on object

Multiple white objects (up to 5) randomly appearing/disappearing in the northwest sky....

At a bonfire (church) around 7:00 pm we witnessed multiple white objects appearing and disappearing in the sky to the first there were 3 then 1 seemed to disappear and then over the course of about 30 minutes the objects changed in number (never disappearing completely)...and no more than 5 that were of the parents told the children they were sundogs after the kids began calling them ufo’s....I wanted to video but parents wanted to distract their children...these objects were in the wrong location for a sundog..,they were not meteorites or shooting stars....don’t know what they were just thought I’d share ...surely someone else must have witnessed what we all saw...I am including’ll have to zoom to see objects and one picture has a football in it to the right (kids playing catch)...


Witness does not indicate a date of the sighting, so we have assigned an artificial date. We have made two attempts to contact her, but have not been successful in reaching her at the number she provides. PD

Posted 2019-12-01

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