NUFORC UFO Sighting 14942

Occurred: 2000-11-17 18:00 Local
Reported: 2000-11-17 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 5 minutes

Location: Seabrook, NH, USA

Shape: Rectangle
Characteristics: Lights on object, Emitted other objects, Aircraft nearby

During rush hour evening commute, two stationary crafts in the sky over I95 separated from each other and one launched a fireball.

Initially I saw what I thought was the rear wingspan of a landing airplain. It caught my attention because the left wing lights were blinking like the craft was signaling a turn. On the left wing there were three white lights equally distanced apart. On the right wing there were only two lights, a white and a red. They were located at the outside and inside ends of what I thought was the right wing of a large airplane. I was driving north on route 95 at 70 mph. After a few moments of observing the craft I realized that it was stationary in the sky. The vehicles separated, the one on the left was lower and the one on the right went up. The two crafts remained within a matter of yards of one another. As I continued to watch the crafts I saw the upper craft launch a fireball in a northward direction. It resembled a shooting star in the night sky. The fireball followed a strait trajectomry until it disappeared from view in the distance. I pulled into a rest area parking lot to continue watching the crafts. The two crafts moved slowly to the south, continuing to maintain a pairing.

Posted 2000-12-02

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