NUFORC Sighting 148980

Occurred: 2017-02-18 16:00 Local
Reported: 2019-09-19 20:30 Pacific
Duration: 20 minutes
No of observers: 2

Location: Massena, NY, USA

Shape: Cylinder

White cylinder seen in Massena, New York.

On our way home from the store, my friend and I thought we saw a ufo. It was a bright white cylinder. It was going pretty fast and disappeared a few times. When we got to the house, I tried to get a picture with my phone, but it couldn't zoom in enough. I went in the house to get my camera, but it was gone by the time I got back. In the same area, there was now what looked like a star, but it elongated into a cylinder, then two stars. I thought my eyes were playing tricks because its the same location of the north star. I figure it may have just appeared to be doing these things. did take a picture and it is a cylinder. Not from camera movement because nothing else has motion blurs in the photo.

Posted 2019-10-04

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