NUFORC UFO Sighting 14884
Occurred: 1995-09-06 23:02 LocalReported: 2000-11-10 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 5.5 hours
No of observers: 13
Location: Ashland, NH, USA
Shape: Cylinder
Characteristics: Lights on object
Breathable fluid tank; multiple species; peaceful agenda
Fell asleep on chair, was lifted into globular transport (levitated), flown over a city (night time)-buildings passing below and young child in front of me seated in front of window / screen facing me; flight continues, daytime, over African savanna and muddy river, hunting party of 12 attempting to run from craft; flight continues further into high orbit, I am placed into a transparent tub or tank filled with breathable fluid by two greys and watched by an additional third. I was surprisingly calm and they took note. After a few minutes, the star field is incredibally brilliant and I am allowed to walk freely to a window or screen. A matallic cylinder of great size begins to fill the view in the left of the window. There are white and blue lights running the entire length of it. Later, before being returned, I saw four species of beings inone place together and I did not feel like a laboratory specimen to them. Concious memories returned more and more on their own and later went to one of the best regression therapists known (Joe Nyman) in months after for additional support and recollection. -Respectfully submitted, ((name deleted))
Posted 2000-12-02
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