NUFORC UFO Sighting 148698
Occurred: 2019-09-07 05:45 LocalReported: 2019-09-07 04:46 Pacific
Duration: 2 minutes
No of observers: 1
Location: Grand Rapids, MI, USA
Shape: Circle
Red Circular Object Seen over Grand Rapids.
I was walking my dog this morning (heading northbound on Fairview Avenue). We stopped in front of Lookout Park in order for my dog to((walk)) when I happened to look up into the sky and notice a bright red circle come into view from the west, heading east. It was approximately pea-sized at arms length and was traveling slowly. And as it neared the midway point of my view, a bright flash of white light occurred just above it. (Strangely, the flash of light was slow as well. It wasn't like turning on and off a light and took a good two seconds to finish.) After the flash of light, the red circular object proceeded on its way to the east and disappeared out of view.
Posted 2019-09-12
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