NUFORC UFO Sighting 148107

Occurred: 1970-08-15 02:00 Local
Reported: 2019-08-07 05:38 Pacific
Duration: 5 minutes+
No of observers: 1

Location: West Seneca, NY, USA

Shape: Unknown
Characteristics: Lights on object, Left a trail, Landed

The dark object was within 15 feet of me, not earth made, blinding light, soothing loud deep low hum/whirl, and evidence.

Dear Sirs:

The area, though I’m not quite sure was part of the Reynolds farm land some time ago. This is not giving away an address or specific location, but of an idea of explanation on why the event occurred where it did.

This occurred in the summer of 1970. In the middle of the night, a bright light start coming toward our house. It was a steady white and bright light coming down on an angle extremely slow and quite steady.

Because the light shown directly into my bedroom window I thought at first it was a motorcycle. I complained about the light just hovering across the street, but it remained there as I peeked out the window. The center of the window frame and a tree could have blocked a lot more information. I remember saying freakin turn already. Then I realized it wasn’t a motorcycle, but a space ship. Its color blended in with the surroundings. Possibly due to the extreme brightness of the ships lighting. It made a very soothing hum with a slight whirling sound to it. The sound resonating from it could possibly help keep people asleep, if not for the extremely bright light in my eyes.

Please note: At the time I was 14, and terrified because of all the horror stories displayed on television. At the time I thought of waking my parents, but I figured they’d think I was a nut case and tell me to go back to bed. I distinctly remember uttering, “Don’t take me.” Dropped my legs off to the side and covered my head as if the bed was made up.

In the morning, I went to investigate. If it was meant to be, something of evidence would show.

In fact, the ship left about a five foot light gray colored prefect circle on the scrubby ground. The sparse 1 to 3 inch grass in and at the circles line was burned black and curled. The weeds, like dandelions were burned on the edges of the leaves but not all the way through. There was a circular patch of tan colored hay grass which had its shaft striped of leaves so as only the interior of the grass stem was left. The grass stood perfectly straight up, and the top looked more like wheat than hay grass tops. The ships calling card.

I haven’t measured the distance from the gray circle to approximately where the light was, yet.

However, best guess at this time would make the ship approximately a minimum of 50 feet plus.

PS: My father noticed the stop sign was lifted very high up.

Posted 2019-08-23

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