NUFORC UFO Sighting 147589
Occurred: 1969-08-15 16:00 LocalReported: 2019-07-15 13:39 Pacific
Duration: 8-10 seconds
No of observers: 1
Location: Westport, MA, USA
Shape: Formation
Six bright lights in "V" formation seen in Westport Mass USA in August, 1969.
I'm reporting an incident that happened 50 years ago in 1969 when I was 15. Due to my age, I was afraid to say anything- especially to my parents. Later, I became a government employee with a security clearance so I never reported it. I have thought about this almost every day of my life. Here are the details: Date: Mid-August, 1969 Location: Westport Mass., Brayton Point Road on the eastern side of the southern end near the ocean, Time: Mid to late afternoon (15:00-17:00)
Friends and I were in the back yard of a home on Brayton Point Road directly on the water facing east. For no reason, I happened to look into the sky in that direction and saw bright lights in a “V” formation over the water in the proximity of Mummy Rock- a rock formation in the water that resembles a reposed mummy. There were six lights suspended in the air. It wasn’t a plane because it didn’t move. It wasn’t the Concorde jet because there was no sound. They were not as high as the clouds. They did not move and in a few seconds, they disappeared randomly, one by one, into thin air. I looked over at my friends who were busy talking and facing in the opposite direction. I could tell they didn’t see it.
I couldn’t talk and was too afraid to say anything. To this day I never have.
I would like to know if there’s a way to find out if anyone has ever reported this. Thank you.
Posted 2019-07-25
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