NUFORC Sighting 14752

Occurred: 1995-10-15 22:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2000-10-30 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 4 minutes
No of observers: 3

Location: Evansville, IN, USA

Shape: Unknown
Characteristics: Lights on object

Bright Bold Primary Colored Lights in the Sky BUT no shape of a craft.

This all happened when I was on my way back to my parents house from dropping off a rented movie. My parents live outside the city limits. I was almost all the way home when I drove out of a clearing of trees when I spotted the primary colored lights in the sky. As I approached the lights I slowed my car to a halt. I was nearly underneath the lights. It was a clear and cool evening. I turned my car engine off to listen for any engine noises. there was no noise coming from the lights which were to my guess about 150 foot up in the sky. I can judge this by the 50 foot tree that was near. The lights were very large circular and were in groups of primary colors of red, yellow, and blue. I left my parking lights on and flashed my headlights at the colored lights and the colored lights began to slowly fade and brighted but in a pattern of the grouping of the colored lights. I rolled down my window and got out of my car and shut the door. I continued to flasth the lights for a few more moments. I was startled when I heard an older couple in a luxury car slowly approach from behind me. I heard the lady in the passenger seat say to her husband "What is that?" and I noticed her red painted fingernair pointing up at what I was seeing. The couple being frightened drove off rather quickly. I tried for the life of me to get a shape of a craft of a length or color of one and I could not see any lines or shape. The lights which were in perfect focus and were not the little twinkly lights a person would see on a plane or helicoper far away were easy to see. The thing that puzzles me to this day is why I could not make out a shape of a craft. I looked near the colored lights and far away from them as to see if I was not looking far enough out. I believe there was only one craft because the lights must have got bored with my light flashing and slowly turned clockwise together and then slowly went in a direction to my right. Because there were no immidiate roads to chase it I did not chase it. I then w! ent home which was only a few hundred feet from the sighting and told my parents about it. They believed me mainly because I was brought up not to cry wolf and they knew I would not do such a thing. If someone feels that they need to contact me for more information about the sighting please feel free to contact me at ((address deleted)) and ask for ((name deleted)). I am not afraid of what people think and only want to let people know what I saw.

Posted 2000-12-02

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