NUFORC UFO Sighting 146998

Occurred: 2019-06-22 22:00 Local
Reported: 2019-06-22 21:08 Pacific
Duration: 3 seconds
No of observers: 2

Location: Omaha, IL, USA

Shape: Oval
Characteristics: Lights on object

VERY FAST circular object in SE Illinois headed North at high altitude. SUDDENLY turned VERY BRIGHT while enlarging!

Observed from patio with my girlfriend. VERY fast circular object at what seemed to be very high altitude. Headed directly North straight overhead. Had a faint white color until it suddenly produced an impressive VERY BRIGHT light appearance from the oval shape and enlarging the size of the object 3 times the original size. The brightness lasted approx 3-4 seconds and then went back to the faint white color again. Object maintained its super fast speed throughout the process and quickly disappeared from naked eye observation while continuing its direct North heading. The event prompted us to find a way to report it as it was quite profound and something neither of us has ever seen (we are in our 50s).

Posted 2019-06-27

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