NUFORC UFO Sighting 146794

Occurred: 2019-06-05 09:20 Local
Reported: 2019-06-12 14:21 Pacific
No of observers: 1

Location: South Bend, IN, USA


Was maybe 5-10 feet long, about a foot wide. No wings. No way I was the only witness.

Was driving south on Miami and stopped at the intersection with Ewing. Saw this object flying straight down the road headed north at about 40 mph. Was maybe 5-10 feet long, about a foot wide. Could not see color siliouted against the sky, but was uniform and dark. No wings, very familiar with birds, too large as well. Could see it coming from several blocks to the south and it passed directly over my car. I whipped my head around and saw it continue to the north until I lost sight of it, unchanging in altitude or direction. Got a pretty good look as it passed maybe 15-20 feet straight over my windshield and believe me I was leaning over the dash to track it. There is no way I am the only one who saw it. Was a nice morning and lots of cars were out. Hope to see another report, maybe someone got a pic. Was all to fast for me to get one.

Posted 2019-06-20

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