NUFORC UFO Sighting 146100

Occurred: 2019-05-11 22:30 Local
Reported: 2019-05-12 23:14 Pacific
Duration: 1 minute
No of observers: 1

Location: Farmington, ME, USA

Shape: Sphere
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object, Left a trail

I was walking down the road and looked up into the sky. I saw a bright blue light. Much brighter than any of the stars but nowhere near the brightness of the moon. It sat there for a couple seconds, and then it shot across the sky leaving a white streak, and then did what I can only describe as punching a hole in the sky. Like it entered a wormhole. And then there was this orange hazy and flowy ring left behind where the wormhole was. The ring expanded a bit and then faded away.

Posted 2019-05-14

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