NUFORC UFO Sighting 146060
Occurred: 2019-05-10 21:30 LocalReported: 2019-05-10 19:27 Pacific
Duration: 15 minutes
No of observers: 2
Location: Portsmouth, VA, USA
Shape: Formation
Characteristics: Lights on object, Changed Color, Aircraft nearby
Four multicolored light diamond shaped crafts held a large square formation while other red light crafts performed odd flight patterns.
My friend and I were sitting outside on the front porch when I noticed a blinking light. At first I thought it was just a twinkling star but as I was looking closer I realized it was actually multi colored blinking lights, in a sort of tight diamond shape.(white, blue green) Then all of a sudden we felt like there were spider webs on us- same sensation but we couldn't see it and couldn't wipe anything off. This prompted us to get up and move, and then I looked up at sky again. The thing I saw before was still in the same place but another showed up that was moving. It started in a circular flying pattern and then started flying straight, then in a wavy/zigzag pattern, and back to straight.
At that point we looked around for others. We found another that looked like the first, holding still in the sky, across from the first. Distance is hard to judge, but they seemed fairly far apart. While watching the second still light group, another one that blinked red appeared near it out of nowhere. It also flew in a circle and then went past the second still one. It was slow moving but as it passed the still light, the white lights of the still light group got brighter and the red light got brighter on the traveling one- as if they were signaling one another. We later noticed 2 others holding still in just the same way as the first 2 and the four of them were clearly holding a square formation as the others flew around. Several more traveling red light formations appeared and did the same circular motions before going straight. Most moved very slowly but some went unusually fast.
After about 15 minutes, all of the moving lights had disappeared as quickly as they had appeared, but the four still diamond ones held their formation. I noted 8 crafts seen, but it could have been more. It was hard to keep track because they kept disappearing. Halfway through this experience, a commercial airliner flew through the formation seemingly unfazed.
Posted 2019-05-14
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