NUFORC UFO Sighting 146008
Occurred: 2019-05-07 08:45 LocalReported: 2019-05-07 17:27 Pacific
Duration: 40 seconds
Location: Seattle, WA, USA
Shape: Orb
Ok so I'm just gonna say this happens often to me. I sometimes catch a odd feeling to look up. So today I was at work doing my work routine. My jobs laid back so I'm hanging out. Felt like I should look up towards the sun. Saw light hanging some ways under the sune. It appeared to be changing colors. I kept in mind this could have been a airplane, but it wasn't I'm very used to spotting them.
I live near the main airport here. And my job has route that fly above and near me. This orb of light i would call seemed to be using the sun as cover. I knew it was watching me. It tried to hide behind a tree once I spotted it. Like it darted and came to a complete stop. Its movements were as if you were to move computer mouse and watch the arrow move. Very swift and precise.
I was running to get my phone playing my music. I knew I wouldn't make it. So, I stopped and watched it just fade away. I have seen this odd orb before. When I have seen this type it sometimes splits into 3 orbs and takes off. I don't like to call it a UFO. It makes me look/sound crazy. But this wasn't of earth. And it's easier to dismiss than to prove fact.
I don't have many I can tell this to that believe me. So here you go. Hope someone else saw this. Just so I help you feel less crazy. You aren't. The earth is not what we think.
Posted 2019-05-09
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