NUFORC UFO Sighting 146000
Occurred: 2019-05-04 13:00 LocalReported: 2019-05-06 18:31 Pacific
Duration: 15 minutes
No of observers: 7
Location: Santa Barbara, CA, USA
Shape: Orb
White orbs with wings.
Weather was partly cloudy (thin marine layer over sea, clear over land), wind nw 10kt. I and a few passersby noticed 4 white dots in the sky. They had no discernible trajectory but appeared to be moving in a brownian motion (random path) while remaining more or less stationary on a measurable scale. One was seen through binoculars and the object(s) appeared as a white ball with wings of an indescribable shape. After some minutes three of the objects disappeared leaving one, which subsequently faded to nothing. These orbs appeared similar to ones commonly seen launching from offshore (Pacific Ocean) off Pt. Mugu naval sta. seemingly into space at least 5 times faster than rockets launching from Vandenberg, also visible from SB.
Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact information. PD
Posted 2019-05-09
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