NUFORC UFO Sighting 145972
Occurred: 2019-05-03 23:00 LocalReported: 2019-05-05 09:21 Pacific
Duration: 15-20 minutes
No of observers: 1
Location: Grand Isle, VT, USA
Shape: Light
Characteristics: Lights on object
2 Fast flickering red and white objects/lights transiting in a nonlinear way from west to east.
As I went outside like most evenings to check on sky views for some stargazing, the skies were clear and star-filled albeit for a thin veneer of haziness towards the northwest.
I went up on my pool deck which is elevated approximately 10 feet off the ground which gives a better view through the bare branched trees. My gazing began looking up towards the zenith as I often begin in this manner to allow my peripheral vision to take in all directions anything that might draw my attention, e.g. shooting star, meteor activity and any anomaly.
Ten minutes into gazing and listening to the sounds of peepers in the wetland farm tract to the northwest, is when I noticed two red and white flickering objects out of the corner of my eye coming from my west (Lake Champlain/Cumberland Head, NY, transiting east.) I continued to watch these 2 points of red and white flickering objects and determined they couldn’t be small planes because there was no sound and they weren’t moving in a linear way but seemed to be buoyant and bobbing going slightly up and down and then hovering and circling one another as they did this heading slowly east. I could clearly see the flickering lights even through a slight haze-the distance I would guesstimate to be a mile maybe 2 from my deck. This continued on for several minutes roughly 15. The objects were just above the tree line not in the sky and to my eye they would have been near the shoreline by Pearl Bay by East Shore Rd.
I have seen these lights once before in the same vicinity during the last month of April but never paid too much notice, just made a mental note of their unusual flickering. It definitely got my attention last night almost to the point of nearly driving my car the short distance of a mile and a half to (the public beach) on East Shore North to observe more, but didn’t in the end.
Posted 2019-05-09
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