NUFORC UFO Sighting 145885

Occurred: 2019-04-26 22:30 Local
Reported: 2019-04-27 07:46 Pacific
Duration: 20 seconds
No of observers: 2

Location: St. George (Canada), ON, Canada

Shape: Formation
Characteristics: Lights on object

Flying lights over St George, Ontario Canada

On April 26th, at approximately 22:30, it was a clear, cool windy night with a few wispy clouds floating around at a few thousand feet. The wind was strong and gusty W to E. A friend and I were in his hot tub looking at the stars finding the Big and Little Dipper. We turned our gaze towards the north star and as we did we both saw two moving lights spaced about 6-8 feet apart.

The lights were 200-300' off the ground over the subdivision and flying into the strong wind at approximately 65km/h. There was no audible noise from where we were watching in the hot tub, although the hot tub motor was running and it was very windy. The lights flew about 350’ from our right (E) across in front of us to out left (W) and then did a hard 180° turn, flew back about 20’, blinked and disappeared.

I am a commercial helicopter pilot and know of no aircraft that can fly like that besides a drone. We sat and discussed that possibility for a while, hoping it would reappear. We concluded that the movement of the two lights was too smooth and uniform to be two separate drones, too fast, agile and quiet to be one large one (6-8’ wide drone??) and the speed at which it turned 180° was possible for racing drones but not for anything of size. Other possibilities we considered was some sort of light phenomenon, thinking maybe it was headlights hitting moisture in the air in just the right way, but it was very clear and cool with no moisture in the air.

We eliminated theories until we had two possibilities left… something we don't know exists or an ET UFO.

Posted 2019-05-09

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