NUFORC UFO Sighting 145660

Occurred: 2019-04-15 00:33 Local
Reported: 2019-04-16 05:02 Pacific
Duration: <1 minute
No of observers: 2

Location: Wall Township, NJ, USA

Shape: Cross
Characteristics: Lights on object, Animals reacted

Bright orange flying objects in sky

I was sitting in bed and heard a high pitched swirling noise. I thought it could've been some aircraft landing in the field next to me. I looked out the window and seen 2 bright orange glowing cross shaped flying objects best way I can describe the movements is dancing with each other cross crossing sort of. I froze for a second and woke my boyfriend up and told him to look he did and said yup that's is very weird, I asked him what he thought it could be, but he said he had not a clue. I ran out the room to my kids' room as they flew away really quickly and didn't see them again. On a side note my cat meowed and laid next to my side before this happened and he does not do this when I am going to bed he lays by my feet all the time.

Posted 2019-04-18

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