NUFORC UFO Sighting 145558
Occurred: 1975-09-07 19:00 LocalReported: 2019-04-09 07:53 Pacific
Duration: 2 hours
No of observers: 4
Location: Toronto (Canada), ON, Canada
Shape: Sphere
Stationary shimmering ball of light.
About 7pm, someone noticed a light out over Lake Ontario. I initially thought it was a small plane which was heading to the Toronto Island airport. Within a few seconds I could tell that the light was stationary. I happened to have a small telescope already setup in our spare bedroom. I brought it out to our balcony and focused it to the light. It was a round shimmering ball. Not hard surfaced, but gaseous. I could focus to the far side of the lake and see trees and buildings on the far shore.
Focusing back on the light, it appeared to be at least ¾ of the way across the lake, maybe more. Hard to estimate the size of the light/object: maybe as small as a Volkswagen, or as large as a small bus?
We were on the 16th floor our apartment building at 22 Close Avenue in Toronto. Our vantage point was to the south. The light/object was at about the same height as us. Around 8pm we went inside to have dinner. I left the table several times: the light was still in scope. I never moved my scope once.
Shortly after 9pm, I went back out to the balcony and before I could put my eye to the eyepiece, I could see the light was finally moving; slowly but steadily to the right, heading west towards Hamilton, Ontario.
I lost sight of the light when it went out of view behind the corner of our apartment building.
Posted 2019-04-12
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