NUFORC UFO Sighting 145554
Occurred: 2004-05-02 03:00 Local - ApproximateReported: 2019-04-08 20:52 Pacific
Duration: 30 minutes
No of observers: 4
Location: Battle Mountain, NV, USA
Shape: Orb
Characteristics: Changed Color, Possible abduction
Orb chased out car for miles on Junction HWY 305 outside Battle Mountain, Nevada, attempted abduction?
I was driving north on Junction 305 towards Battle Mountain around 3am., front passenger noticed a light in the sky, I said shit its an aerial police and I was going 80+mph, we notice a sight "monitored speed by plane" or something like that. I started slowly descending words us "shit! they got me speeding" When the white light got 100? feet to the car in less than a second, it jumped right next to us it was a multi colored glowing orb? it was changing different colors. I slammed on the brakes and it kept going ahead 500+? feet it stopped and jumped backwards right next to use again, in a second!. The passenger Screamed " what the fuck, its after us!!!" I slammed on the gas, On my V8 Supercharged Ford Tourus SHO. and front passenger started slapping her husband "my brother to wake up" he would not, The orb was 500+ feet behing use and i Was going 100+mph. In a second it jumped right next to us again. I slammed on the brakes and it kept going. She kept slapping by brother he would not wake, she started shaking her friend behind me she was also incapacitated. The orb followed us for miles it felt like hours but it was closer to 20+ min. I would keep slamming on the gas and brakes, going up to the cars max speed 145mph and slowing to 40mpg. Soon as we could see the first lights of the city it pulled up and away and disappeared behind 2 small hills. As soon as it was out of sight, my brother woke up and yelled "ahhh my face!!!" he didnt feel anything while he was being slapped to wake up. Her friend also woke up that instant. They did not believe us and what was just happened.
It was not a dream and the front passenger has always confirmed that it did happen. It was not a plane and it was not heading to the airport at battle mountain.
Date of sighting is approximate. PD
Posted 2019-04-12
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