NUFORC UFO Sighting 145454
Occurred: 2019-04-01 20:58 LocalReported: 2019-04-01 18:11 Pacific
Duration: 4 minutes
No of observers: 1
Location: Deseronto (Canada), ON, Canada
Shape: Light
Characteristics: Lights on object
I always watch the sky while letting my dog out. Have been doing this for over 6 years. Initially witnessed a single slow low light amber coloured strobe (approx every 15 seconds) at high elevation headed due east then approx. 1 minute later, I obs a very bright clear white flash from high elevation flying over head going due north. The light dimmed, and approx 30 seconds later, another bright white flash and this pattern repeated as it continued north.
At no time did I hear any sounds until an airplane headed east at a lower altitude passed.
Posted 2019-04-08
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