NUFORC UFO Sighting 145190
Occurred: 2018-12-05 03:00 Local - ApproximateReported: 2019-03-16 13:16 Pacific
Duration: 2-3 minutes
No of observers: 1
Location: Bassano del Grappa (Italy), , ITALY
Shape: Disk
Characteristics: Lights on object, Emitted beams, Changed Colo
The appearance of a tiny saucer, the size of a bean !
Dear Sir/Madam, thanks to give me the opportunity to share this experience. I do not mind to put my name or contact, btw.
I was sleeping in my bed at night, I opened my eyes and saw some shining stars on top of my feet which were covered inside the bed. I went closer to see what it was, and just one of them was flying towards me, at a very slow peace (sic. pace). It was a very small UFO - disk-shaped- with holes on the sides, making amazing colours (inside the disk there was one wheel going the opposite way the disk was going). It was going slow and showed off all the colours which were mostly pinky, a vivid full colour pink. I was not scared and I was happy to tell this to friends and family. Obviously, my friends had different views about it. I can surely tell you that this disk, - U.F.O disk- wanted to BE SEEN. It looked to me like an old UFO because it was going too slow. But there was no one inside it, there was no alien inside the saucer, the saucer was going by itself. The saucer was big like a BEAN, I never imagined that an UFO can be so tiny! I have enjoyed this experience. I never thought about UFO in all my life and I utterly enjoyed it cause it was a good sensation and I was happy to have seen it. I would like to receive an email, if possible, but in any case, no one knows for sure what it was. Unless someone has experienced what I have experienced. Just to remind: the saucer was tiny like a bean. Have no made photos cause I did not think something like that was passing through my room when sleeping. But I can ensure you that this tiny saucer wanted to be seen. Best wishes.
Source of report indicates that the date of the sighting is approximate. The date provided by the witness is illogical, so we have assigned an arbitrary date, until we are able to contact the source of the report. PD
Posted 2019-03-21
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