NUFORC UFO Sighting 145182
Occurred: 2019-03-14 21:30 LocalReported: 2019-03-14 22:10 Pacific
Duration: 2 minutes
No of observers: 2
Location: Palmetto, FL, USA
Shape: Formation
Characteristics: Lights on object, Emitted other objects, Changed Colo
Far off in a distance, and very high up, was a group of lights which looked like stars was bunched up at first and not moving at all for 30 seconds. Then, all of a sudden, they started separating from one another not far away from each other. This was about for 20 seconds. Then they all came back together and formed like a diamond shape. They were all together, and then all of a sudden, a bright light that formed the shape of the letter V which slowly flashed for like 5 seconds. Then, all the sudden, it was like a firework went off but very slowly they all went further away going all different directions.
It was absolutely something that had me and my co-worker puzzled on what it was we just saw. When they scattered, they slowly went towards the ground in all different directions.
We got video of the whole thing.
Posted 2019-03-15
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