NUFORC UFO Sighting 145041
Occurred: 2019-03-10 22:00 LocalReported: 2019-03-12 16:41 Pacific
Duration: 5 minutes
No of observers: 2
Location: Harahan, LA, USA
Shape: Circle
Characteristics: Changed Colo
Green fireball ufo gliding across the sky without a trail.
My boyfriend and I went out to the backyard around 10 to let our dog out. We were sitting out there for about 5 minutes until I looked up to view the stars, it was a clear night. That’s when my eyes were instantly drawn to it. The object was a large green circle/ball and very bright. It moved at an even pace and stayed at the same height the entire time. The color slightly changed partially changed to blue and then back to bright green. The object had no tail. There was no sound. It was coming in our direction and honestly, my heart was pounding. It crossed the sky directly over our heads. We watched in awe until it got far enough away that we could no longer see it. I’d say the speed was a little faster than a plane, but not nearly as fast as a falling meteor. (It wasn’t falling at all) The sighting lasted around 3 minutes. Both of us left our phones inside, which I really regret now.
After a bit of research, I believe we saw a “green fireball”. There are a few different theories. Some say they are meteors, but there were none of the typical characteristics of a meteor present. I’ve seen a few shooting stars and there is no way that was one. We are two college kids. We spend a lot of time outside at night and love to stare at the stars. We’ve seen a variety of different things in the sky.
The object we saw the other night was unlike anything either of us had seen before.
Posted 2019-03-14
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