NUFORC Sighting 144598

Occurred: 2019-01-05 23:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2019-01-20 18:15 Pacific
Duration: 3 seconds
No of observers: 2

Location: Spiceland, IN, USA

Shape: Circle
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object

As my brother and I were outside, we saw a bright circle fly quickly through the air, and I witnessed it do a loop before taking off.

It was pretty late at night, but my dad, my brother, and I had to do some work outside a little ways from home. My brother and I were outside while my dad was in a building for the time being. We both were looking in about the same direction, but I had been looking towards the sky quite a bit that night.

As I was looking up in roughly a northeast direction, I saw a bright white circle appear. As soon as I saw it, I alerted my brother and he immediately looked up as well. Before he looked, I saw the object do a full loop, then quickly fly up and away into another direction in an arc. The object was very fast and a decent size, yet it was very far away. It made no noise that I could hear. I asked my brother if he saw it and what he saw, and he said that it looked yellow and that he didn’t see it loop, but saw it fly away in an arc. That is all I could get from it.


Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact information. PD

Posted 2019-01-24

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