NUFORC Sighting 144550

Occurred: 1974-11-17 23:00 Local
Reported: 2019-01-17 21:57 Pacific
Duration: 5 minutes
No of observers: 2

Location: Whitewater (near), WI, USA

Shape: Sphere
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object, Changed Color, Aircraft nearby

On a date on a dark night a white sphere rises and moves toward a group of other lights then goes at amazing speed.

It was 1974, and I was on a date where common 20 something necking was occurring. Then there were metallic machine like noises. Then a bright white light rose from a nearby farm field, probably a good 400 yards away. It rose rapidly in the sky. It went among a large grouping of lights, which I later learned were commercial airliners waiting in line for O'Hare airport. The thing is it came to mimic the lights shifting to a similar orange light. It sped through or near the formation at an incredible speed, even faster than satellites I have seen previous to that. It simply was gone, as I turned to point it out to the woman I was with. It must have given some pilots a fright. Though a local sheriff spokesperson told me I was mistaken and that it was an airliner. I was spooked and we went right back to my dorm and the date was over.

Posted 2019-01-24

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