NUFORC UFO Sighting 144371
Occurred: 2019-01-08 20:05 LocalReported: 2019-01-08 21:38 Pacific
Duration: 3-5 minutes
No of observers: 2
Location: Maricopa, AZ, USA
Shape: Unknown
Characteristics: Lights on object
motionless, bright orange lights in the sky that faded out
Late in the evening, my wife and I were driving south on AZ State Route 347 (between Chandler and Maricopa) when I spotted two bright orange lights to the southwest. This stretch of freeway is sparsely populated and pretty dark at night, so they shone incredibly brightly. They also seemed to be not more than a couple hundred feet or so above the horizon, so initially I thought maybe it could have been lights from a tower of some kind, but I've never noticed them before in all my time driving that stretch of road.
I asked my wife if she saw them; to which she commented that she thought it was strange that they were so orange. I then asked her to Google if there were any kind of air fields or radio towers in that area. Her quick search determined there shouldn't be anything in that direction. She went back to looking at her phone, but even though I was driving, my eyes were fixated on them. If you drew a straight line between them, they would seem to be perfec! tly parallel to the ground, and they didn't move at all, at least they didn't seem to from my perspective. They didn't blink, they didn't pulse, they didn't move, they were just there, and bright. It was like they were staring at me. I just stared right back at them for several minutes while I drove. Then, seemingly for no reason, the one on the left faded away, and almost immediately after, the light on the right also faded. They didn't blink out, they didn't disappear behind something, more like a dimmer switch, they faded and were gone.
Posted 2019-01-11
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