NUFORC UFO Sighting 144307
Occurred: 2019-01-01 00:00 LocalReported: 2019-01-05 17:32 Pacific
Duration: 10 minutes
No of observers: 2
Location: Hamilton, MT, USA
Shape: Light
Characteristics: Lights on object
observed 6 red lights spaced apart moving slowly across the valley until they each winked out
Within a few minutes after the New Year (2019) we were on our porch watching fireworks, when we spotted a strange red light moving slowly between us and the mountains, which is only a few miles away.
We ran to the other end of the porch and saw it still drifting across the field and move on down the valley. We then moved to the back deck to see if we could see it further away, when suddenly two more objects (lights) looking exactly like the first light, came into view. They just drifted on down the valley following the first light and then winked out. Then three more red lights, looking like the other three, seemed to swoop into view and drifted across toward the field. One just kept going and winked out, but the fifth one seemed to turn and get brighter and then winked out. The last light never made it as far as the others and got dimmer and dimmer and went out. The lights were not blinking or making any sound, so we knew they weren't airplanes or he! licopters. They all followed the same flight path and the same altitude. The shape of the lights was unusual. They were slightly elongated vertically. There seemed to be something in front of the lights, but it was not discernible. We tried to be objective and wondered if we were seeing those flying light lanterns or some kind of new fireworks. They were certainly strange and we had no idea what they were.
A few nights later, we were listening to Coast to Coast and heard Peter Davenport's report and one of them sounded similar to ours coming from Boise, ID. on the same night. The report was of 6 red lights. Our mountain range borders Idaho, and as the crow flies, we're in line from Boise. Hmmm
Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact information. PD
Posted 2019-01-11
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