NUFORC UFO Sighting 143980

Occurred: 2018-12-06 18:15 Local
Reported: 2018-12-06 20:44 Pacific
Duration: Minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Omer/Standish, MI, USA

Shape: Fireball
Characteristics: Lights on object

December 6, 2018 “Orbs” Sighting Northern Michigan Arenac County - On the day of December 6, 2018, at approximately 6:15pm - I was headed northbound on State Rd. having left pinconning. I had stopped at the Worth rd intersection taking notice of the recent additions to the local casino to my right... the new building stood out. Headed north again I went about a mile or so before catching a glimpse of a amber/orange colored light. - now before I go on, I’ll note that I’ve been hyper aware of the existence of these orbs since my sighting in 2016, so I’ll admit that I stop the car and examine the sky and rule out many anomalies before jumping to the UFO conclusion... that being said, I’ll continue - mind you, I’m trying to split my attention between driving and watching this amber/orange light. I keep catching the the activity of this light and realize that it’s more than one light. At one point there was at least for to five, and the movements between them varied... one would be somewhat still, the others kind a random, but different almost swirling to swarming... they would dim and un-dim and randomly “dance like fireflies” - they remind me of fireflies! - Like how a firefly can be right there in front of you and go out in a moment, just disappearing into the black of night. This is very much like a sighting two years ago on December 13, which was also during the full moon of that month and year - we had four strange moon events in ‘16 - this was I believe on the fourth of those. On that event, my mother and I witnessed “orbs” above Hale, MI. - as soon as I realized I was seeing a similar event I called my mom who had been with me during the previous sighting to let her know I was seeing them again. (This was at 6:18pm according to my phone log) I was letting her know I was hoping to get to a spot where I could get out and get some video. On our previous sighting, the orbs were hard to catch on the iPhone but did get two brief vids before the battery died from the cold air - this time, as I was taking to my mom about trying to get a video and looking for a spot to pull of the road... all the activity slowed. I got off the phone and kept a close eye on the spot where they had been. Unfortunately I did not get an opportunity to get photos or videos. The thought had crossed my mind that other cars/drivers were seeing something similar as we all seemed to be slowing, even the cars heading opposite my direction. I had hoped that I’d get a closer look as I was headed toward the city of Omer, where these objects seemed to be located above. This sighting marks the second definitive “orb” sighting for me, and the third object sighting here in northern Michigan that I’d label without question a UFO

Posted 2018-12-14

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